The Holocaust – the most terrible crime in the human history
The Holocaust
was a process which was scheduled, institutionally organized and regularly
carried out by the Nazi Germany. During the Second World War nearly six million European Jews were killed. In the years 1939-1945, i.e. between the German
invasion of Poland and the end of the war in Europe , the Nazis aimed for the total extermination of
Jews in Europe . On the basis of the Greek meaning
of the word holocaustikós, which means burnt-offering, i.e. in
the other words burnt in one piece, the extermination of the Jewish
population was defined as the Holocaust.
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Publisher: Little Brown United Kingdom 2015 |
In the
history of humanity, the Holocaust was the most criminal period which is called
Genocide. The fascists committed unimaginable crimes, not only associated with the
Jewish people, but also with those who suffered from mental illnesses,
were homosexuals, members of the Communist Party which was banned by the Third
Reich at that time, as well as believers, for example, of the Church of Jehovah 's Witnesses. However, any of those
groups, the Holocaust does not apply to such an extent and on such a large
scale as it was in the case of the Jewish people, whose destruction was carefully
planned and prepared. Slavs – Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Yugoslavs and the
Czechoslovaks – were considered by the Nazis as the worst race. Poles were also
treated as so-called "sub humans" by the Nazis. On the other hand the
Polish children who were “Aryan-looking” were subjected to the Germanization, and
the representatives of the Polish intelligentsia and leaders were murdered,
while others were sentenced to live in captivity.
During the
Second World War the Jews were forced to live in ghettos and work as slave labour. The
largest of these ghettos was in Warsaw , where more than four hundred and
eighty thousand Jews were incarcerated. The Warsaw ghetto was liquidated in May 1943,
and after the Nazi mass deportations to Treblinka in the summer of
1942 and after the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April 1943. As far
as the Lodz ghetto is concerned, which was the second largest, there were two
hundred twenty thousand Jews in the greatest density. The quite large ghettos
were also in Lvov , Minsk , Vilnius and Terezín. The last of which was created in the
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Some ghettos were surrounded by a wall or
fence in order to isolate of the residents and separate them from people living outside. The Jews lived in the ghettos
in inhuman conditions. Their property was confiscated and they were also
deprived of their basic needs. The huge population density, lack of
hygiene, hunger and the absence of basic medical care meant that very serious
diseases were spreading in the ghettos. About twenty percent of the population died
in the Warsaw ghetto because of the inhuman living conditions. It had happened even
before the Nazis began their deportation to the death camps.
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The railroad tracks, guardhouse and main gate of Auschwitz II-Birkenau. This is the view from the ramp located inside the camp (1945). |
Even before the
Nazis came to power they began to plan their concentration camps with the
intention of imprisoning the opponents of the Nazi ideology and regime. The
first concentration camp was established in Dachau on 23 March 1933 ; it was two months after Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of the Third Reich. The biggest concentration camps
of the Nazi Germany were in Buchenwald , Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen. After the
outbreak of the Second World War, the Germans established their camps also in
the occupied countries’ territories. The largest mass murders in the history of
mankind took place in the camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The camp was established
in 1942 and was located in occupied Poland . More than a million Jews and hundred
of thousands of Poles, Sinti and Roma as well as other nationalities
were brutally killed there. The final crackdown on the Jewish problem occurred
when the Nazis began the mass liquidation of the ghettos which led to the extermination
of the Jews who had somehow remained alive.
The policy of Jewish extermination by the Nazi Germans was particularly brutal against children because they were most vulnerable to the
consequences of hunger and diseases. First, to the concentrations camps the
Nazis sent the children who they considered as “unfit” to complete the fascist
plans. In many countries the Jews were saved by ordinary people who for
months or even for years hid them. There were situations when Germans occupying high positions in the Nazi
hierarchy helped the Jewish people. For this reason a lot of people received
the official title of Righteous Among the Nations which is given to those who
in some way protected the Jews from inescapable death, although they were not Jews. So far more than six thousand Poles have received this honour. It is the
vast majority of the people coming from other countries. However, it is said
that during the war even more Poles helped the Jewish population to save their
lives. We do not know their names. However, we must remember that most of the people
were only passive observers of the Holocaust.
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The arrival of a new transport of prisoners to Terezín. Before Anka Nathanová was deported to Auschwitz II-Birkenau, she had lived in the concentration camp in Teresienstadt. |
At this point
let me mention a family coming from Markowa – a town located in Podkarpacie
near Lancut (south-eastern Poland ). It was the Ulma family whose
members gave their lives for those and together with those who they had hidden in
their house. On March 24, 1944 a terrible tragedy took place in
the village. That day in the morning the German police brutally killed
seventeen people. Joseph and Victoria Ulma and their six children died as well
as the eight Jews coming from the Szall and Goldman families including the
Goldmans’ little daughter. The enormity of that crime is simply unimaginable. At
the moment of the execution Victoria Ulma, who was then pregnant, began to give
birth to another child who was her seventh baby…
Now let's
focus on the unique book by Wendy Holden who in a very moving way describes the
story of three incredibly brave women. Priska, Rachel and Anka were young married
Jewish women who did not hesitate to oppose the cruel policy of the Nazis to be
able to prevent their unborn babies from the death. Each of them was deported
to the concentration camp called Auschwitz II-Birkenau in 1944. Before
the nightmare really began, each of these women had had to undergo a visual
inspection of the fascist doctor called Josef Mengele (1911-1979), who asked the
same question to Priska, Rachel and Anka: "Are you pregnant?" His
beady eyes gave the women a piercing stare. However, they answered “No”, even though they were already aware of their pregnancies.
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Josef Mengele called the "Angel of Death". |
We must add
that after the war Josef Mengele was considered as a war criminal. On his
victims he conducted his pseudo-medical experiments whose the primary purpose
was to find ways of a genetic Aryan traits in children and increase the number
of multiple pregnancies. Accordingly, the primary object of his interests became
twins. It was on them he carried out his gruesome medical research. Then the
twins were often killed, and the “Angel of Death” compared their internal organs. For
his experiments Mengele chose victims primarily from the Jewish and Roma
prisoners. He conducted his cruel tests without anesthesia. He conducted amputations,
injected bacteria causing diseases, intentionally infected wounds and performed lumbar punctures. He repeatedly attempted the replacement
of blood between the twins. In the camp he had two laboratories and an experimental
hall at his disposal where he conducted postmortem examinations. The
experimental hall was in one of the crematoriums. Apart from that Josef Mengele
decided about the life or death of people from the new transport. He knew who
would be destined to die, and who would be suitable to work for some time. A
lot of prisoners were usually so weakened that they finally died or were
sentenced to death because they ceased to be useful.
Löwenbeinová (Slovak), Rachel Friedman (Polish) and Anka Nathanová (Czech) did not know what would have happened to their babies if they had told the truth. They did not know that Josef
Mengele would do anything to snatch their babies from them for his bestial medical experiments. The women nevertheless denied their pregnancies almost without hesitation, and then did what they could in order to hide
their pregnancies not only from the Nazis, but also from their fellow-prisoners. Of
course, all that time they were working hard and starving while secretly
believing that one day they would come home to their families and beloved husbands
who were also deported to the concentration camps. The women hoped that one day
they would be able to lead the life they had led before the war and which had
been brutally discontinued. So, there were two things which kept them alive.
Their profound belief and hope that tomorrow would be better and their great love for babies who they hoped would be born
During their
seven moths in concentration and slave labour camps, Priska, Rachel and Anka witnessed great cruelty. In Birkenau they were told that their families had been murdered in the gas
chambers after the Nazis persuaded them that they were going there just to have a
shower. The women could also see smoke rising from the crematorium chimney and they
were terrified, because they realized that one day the Nazis could give their
order to them to go to “have a shower”. After some time, all three women were
transported to the labor concentration camp in Freiberg (Germany ), where they were forced to do hellish
work at the production of the combat aircrafts. Months later they were taken to another
concentration camp at in Mauthausen (Austria ). During those days the babies of
Priska, Rachel and Anka were born. Hana (the daughter of Priska) was born first, then Mark (the son of Rachel), and finally Eva (the daughter of
Anka). We must add that the women were not aware of one another’s existence
although they were kept in the same camps. Their adult children
found one another in 2010 and finally met in the place where they were born and where their
mothers miraculously survived.
Holden’s book is extremely moving. Nothing is spared to the reader. The author
describes the concentration camps’ nightmare with incredible accuracy. She also chronicles the heroines’ life before the outbreak of the Second World War and their
deportation, and then after the liberation and their return to their homes to
discover their apartments and factories had been stolen from them. Priska, Rachel and Anka had to
start all over again. There was almost no one to help them. At some point they
finally realized that their beloved husband would never come back home. Therefore
they had to take care of their babies who survived only by a miracle. They had
to fight for every day. First they did it in the concentration camps, and
then in real life. The women were very strong not only physically, but
especially psychologically. None of them fell into depression. None of them gave up. They
deserved the greatest admiration.
Survivors is a book for the present generation and the next. It is the tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. While on the one
hand there is a lot of cruelty in this publication, on the other hand there are
also quite a few scenes where we can see some humanity in this whole
Nazi bestiality. Undoubtedly, the symbol of this humanity is Antonín Pavliček –
the chief of the railway station in Horní Bříza (a town in the Czech Republic ). The man showed great courage and
in spite of the danger which threatened him then, he helped the starving and
terrified Jewish women who were being transported to another concentration camp by
the Nazis. The US army sergeant – Albert J. Kosiek, whose
ancestors came from Poland – was the next man who did a lot of
good things for the liberated prisoners in Mauthausen.
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Survivors of Mauthausen cheer American soldiers as they pass through the main gate of the camp. The photo was taken a few days after the liberation of the camp (May, 1945). |
The book is
filled with tremendous pain and human tragedy which should never have happened in
the world. However, we cannot go back in time. Now we can only remember about all
those who were brutally murdered in the name of a sick idea that we
cannot justify in any way. We cannot forget about those who survived and who
experienced unimaginable ordeals. Therefore Born Survivors is not only a tribute to the people murdered during the Second World War, but also a monument to the Holocaust victims and their families.
If you want to read this review in Polish, please click here.
If you want to read the interviews with Wendy Holden and Hana Berger Moran, please click here and here.
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